Help Our Cause

likewise, the karmic benefits of serving it are also manifold.”
Dhyan Foundation (India)
Dhyan Foundation (India) is involved in providing support and reaching out to various sections of creation that need help. From organising daily Food Distribution Camps (langars) to feeding the hungry, supporting children at Anand Vidyalaya and enabling women empowerment programmes to achieve self-sufficiency through Dhyan Yog Society. Dhyan Foundation also helps and creates awareness about animals through Feed A Dog, Help a Monkey and Save a Cow initiatives.
Grant Applications
Organisations whose charitable objectives are to promote the authentic path of yog as documented in the Yog sutras by Rishi Patanjali and whose main charitable purpose is to protect creation (e.g. humankind, animals and environment) can contact us at
Direct Debit Bank Transfers
You can also send your donations directly to our registered Bank account with Barclays.
Dhyan Foundation UK, Barclays Bank, Account No: 83193373 Sort Code: 20-90-74